

Tutorial task week 9

Leanza's reflection

The task that we were asked to post in schoology but previously is presenting during our tutorial class is about find the listening activity or activities from the chapter that we have evaluated previously for our assignments. Our group are using chapter 8 and 9 from secondary form two textbook. Both chapters consist of listening actrivities. Hence, our group decided to do both chapters. Firstly, we chapter 8 activities are about students mime the scene from what their peers have dictated right on the spot, write down from what teacher has dictated. The activity from chapter 9 actually is about students listening to what teacher has dictated or maybe to the recording from the CD-Rom which is prepared inside the textbook and fill in the blanks then answer the multiple choice questions.

Some of the  activities actually needs students' schemata in order to complete. For instance, for the chapter nine activity which the teacher will do the dictation and students filling in the blanks provided in textbook. Although teacher will be doing the dictation and yet if the students have no idea how to spell those words they will still get the answers wrong.

Secondly, the activities provided in the textbook actually is not going to really sharpen or enhance students' listening skills. What they can gain from those activities is probably widen up their lexical density as some of them might learn some new words from dictation. However, the results is depending on how teachers going to use it or apply in the classrooms. For example, if the students were asked to listen then jot down the important points from what teacher has dictated then having a discussions among themselves. This might be a useful way as the students will be trained on how to obtain the main points from the dictation from peers and teachers.

In order to enhance listening skills of students, building the schemata is prominent as if the students are able to listen for the main gist but have no idea on what is talked or taught about, it is still not helping them to develop their proficiency levels. This is because it might not be processed in the long term memory into students' brain as they can not understand on what is it all about due to the lacking of schemata.

In a nutshell, having the schemata for certain topics before listening skills is sharpened is essential. Therefore, it can really help the students to boost up their proficiency levels of English when listening activities are carried out in classrooms.

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