






comic strips

e- mail

online tool





word charm

second life


Sketch a rough outline of the digital material you used.

What is wideo?
An animated online video creation tool that allows you to create, edit & share online videos for free.
How to use it?
Teacher can create an animated video based on the topic they want to teach in the lesson. Teacher can create the character and storyboard based on their creativity.
Visual design and rough outline of why our group use Wideo
1. Balance and symmetry
-We can bring balance to the elements of different sizes by either moving them closer or
further from the center of the page.
-Symmetry is when one half of a visual display is a mirror image of the other half.
          -Types of symmetry: horizontal, approximate horizontal, radial and asymmetry.
          2. Emphasis
- Create dominance and focus in their work.
- It emphasize on colour, value, shapes or other design elements to achieve dominance.
-For example we are using Wideo, so if the background is too colourful or catchy, so the
color of the words in the dialogue must be contrast than the background.
3. Alignment
-Alignment of elements within a screen is important part of organizing and grouping.
-Should visually maximize differences between text, label and pictures.
-For the Wideo, the character and the dialogue must be well organised in able the students
          to understand the contents. 
4. Unity
- Relationship among visual elements that helps all elements to work together.
- Gives a sense of closure or oneness to a visual image.
- Can be achieved through use of similar shapes, common pattern or use of a common background.

List out SLA Theories and Principles.

SLA Theories

-Behaviorist theory

-Interactionist theory

-Innatist theory


-Materials should achieve impact.

-Materials should help learner to feel at ease.

-Materials should help learners to develop confidence.

-What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and useful.

-Materials should require and facilitate learners’ self- investment.

-Learners must be ready to acquire the points being taught.

-Materials should expose the learners to language in authentic use.

-The learners’ attention should be drawn to linguistic features of the input.

-Materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the target to achieve communicative purposes.

-Materials should take into account that the positive effects of instructions are usually delayed.

-Materials should take into account that learners differ in learning styles.

-Materials should take into account that learners differ in affective attitudes.

-Materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of instructions.

-Materials should not force premature speaking in the target language.

-Materials should maximise learning potential by encouraging intellectual, aesthetic and emotional involvement which simulates both right and left brain activities.

-Materials should not rely on too much on controlled practice.

-Materials should provide opportunities for outcome and feedback.

-Materials should help the learners to develop cultural awareness and sensitivity.

-Materials should reflect the reality of language use.

-Materials should help learners to learn in ways similar to the circumstances in which they will have to use the language.

-Materials should help to create readiness to learn.


1.Learner control

Break down the material into meaningful units in order for them to memorize.

2.Learner activity

Teachers as facilitators producing scaffold medium for students.

3.  Cooperative or Collaborative learning

-Studying with others to reach a common learning goal.

-The members gather and structure the information.

-Communication and negotiation happens when learner tools are offered.

4. Goal orientation

-Best results can be attained if goals of teachers, students, and learning material are closely related.

-Students should have chance to make choices with respect to their course in relation to goals.

5. Applicability

-learned knowledge should be transferred to other contexts.

-should be of appropriate level of the point of view of learners’ learning process.

6. Added value

-In the form of creative use of possibilities that computers offer.

Computer assisted learning:

(i)                adaptability to individual needs.

(ii)             numbers of flexible options.

(iii)           learning is controlled by learner, initiated and in the form of learner desires.

(iv)           Consist of interesting contents.

(v)             Promote development of communication.

(vi)           Active participation of students.

7. Motivation

-talks about intrinsic and extrinsic orientation.

8. Valuation of previous knowledge

-favour elaboration, contemplation or new issues and analysis of their relationship with learners earlier knowledge constructs.

-learning material review central concepts from earlier studies that are important for understanding present material.

9. Flexibility

-have diverse assignments in material.

- adaptable, broadly defined, hence it is easier to fit students’ individual needs.

10. Feedback

- should provide encouraging and immediate feedback.

-from computers: can have immediate response of students’ action.

-from peers: support reflection given, depends on the quality of interaction.

Leanza's reflection:
Basically, I can manage to understand and have a clearer picture about digital language learning material now compared to a few weeks ago. For my opinion, this material is so advanced and will be applicable in the future as the students nowadays are so get use to technology tools. It can be clearly seen that in the urban area every student is holding a smart phones and their daily routine nowadays can't sustain without Internet. It can be said that they are so addcited to the Internet world when it is integrated into language learning classroom, it may grasp students' attention and hence, they will pay a little more interest to language learning via the integrating of digital language learning material into classrooms. To sketch a rough outline, that is the problem at the first when we saw the checkpoint. So, we were actually confused to what we should do or post or design for this task. Therefore, our group finally came out a conclusion or a solution which is to select a DLLM and create an activity using the DLLM. When we were having the discussion about how to design it, we took the criteria of the article as a reference. We find out the criteria of the pedagogical usability helpful and it guides us to prepare an appropriate and applicable material for the students and we hope that the material developed is understandable for the students. After selection for the materials, our group decided to use Wideo.
For the pedagogical usability, I found it useful to create the DLLM as it can help us as the future teachers or the novice educators to have a rough guideline for creating the DLLM. The information provided from the articles that we were asked to go through provided the criteria to invent a DLLM. The criteria given help us to have a clearer map about what we are going to have for our assignments as it helps us to have idea about what shall be taken into consideration when it comes to create the DLLM. Apart from that, it can be seen that the article provided the principles or so called characteristics to effectively design a webpage is helpful and the information above this part is useful as well. This is because we, as the future teachers can take it as a reference when it comes to create a webpage as an access or a medium to communicate with our students or initiate a new start to have involvement of students towards language learning.
Conclusively, I personally think that the tasks given gave us a guideline on how are we going to create a DLLM based on the criteria listed under pedagogical usability of the article. Creating a DLLM is an uneasy task yet it is helpful for the future students who have no intentions to study or learning language. The DLLM may grasp their attention as they are so curios about how do the application of DLLM can be integrated into classrooms. Implicitly, they have already exposed to the content and will pay more interest in order to participate and finally they will be managed to learn the language although it happens consciously and yet without their knowing.

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